Definition of Class Based Assessment
Class Based Assessment is an assessment conducted by teachers in the framework of the learning process. PBK is a process of collecting and using information on student learning outcomes conducted by teachers to determine the level of achievement and mastery of students towards educational goals (competency standards, basic competencies, and indicators of achievement of learning outcomes). Class Based Assessment is a principle, an accurate and consistent target of students' competencies or learning outcomes as well as clear statements about student development and progress. the intention is the results of Class Based Assessment can describe the competencies, skills and progress of students during class.
Class Based Assessment and Correlate of School-Based Assessment and Performance is one component in the competency based curriculum. PBK itself is basically an integrated assessment activity in teaching and learning activities carried out by collecting student work (portfolio), work (products), assignments (projects), performance (performance), written tests (paper and pen) etc. . The focus of the assessment is directed at mastering competencies and student learning outcomes according to the level of student achievement.
B. Benefits of Class-Based Excellence and Principles
1. Classroom-Based Assessment Results Are Useful For
- Feedback for students in knowing their abilities and shortcomings so as to cause motivation to improve learning outcomes.
- Monitor progress and diagnose students 'learning abilities to enable enrichment and remediation to meet students' needs according to their progress and abilities
- Provide input to teachers to improve their learning programs in class.
- Enables students to achieve predetermined competencies even with different learning speeds.
2. Excellence Class-Based Assessment is
- Collection of learning progress information both formal and informal is held in an integrated manner, in a pleasant atmosphere, and always allows the best opportunities for students to show what students know, understand and be able to do.
- Achievement of student learning outcomes is not compared to group achievement, but compared to previous abilities competency achievement criteria, achievement standards, and national level of achievement, in order to help children achieve what they want to achieve not to judge it.
Collection of information using various methods, so that the progress of student learning can be detected completely.
- Students need to be demanded so they can explore and motivate themselves to mobilize all the potential in responding, overcoming all problems encountered in their own way, not just training students to choose the answers available.
- To determine whether there is progress in learning and whether or not assistance is needed in a planned, gradual and continuous manner, based on facts and sufficiently accurate evidence.
3. Principles of Class-Based Assessment
- Valid, assessments provide accurate information about student learning outcomes.
- Educate, assessment must make a positive contribution to student learning achievement.
- Competency-oriented, assessment must assess the achievement of competencies referred to in the curriculum.
- Fair, the assessment must be fair to all students by not distinguishing socio-economic, cultural, linguistic and gender backgrounds.
- Open, assessment criteria and basis for decision making must be clear and open to all parties.
Continuous, assessment is carried out in a planned, gradual and continuous manner to obtain a picture of student learning development as a result of learning activities. (Ministry of National Education, 2002).
C. The forms of instruments in class-based assessment according to Suharto (2009) and Radno Harsanto (2007), namely:
1. Performance Evaluation
Performance evaluation is an assessment conducted by observing the activities of students in doing something. This assessment is suitable to be used to assess the achievement of competencies that require students to perform certain tasks such as: practice in the laboratory, prayer practice, OR practice, presentation, discussion, role playing, playing an instrument, singing, reading poetry / reclamation etc.
This method of assessment is considered more authentic than written tests because what is assessed better reflects the true abilities of the students.
2. Attitude Assessment
Attitudes originate from feelings (like or dislike) associated with one's tendency to respond to something / object. Attitude is also an expression of values or outlook on life possessed by someone. Attitudes can be formed, so that the desired behavior or action occurs.
Attitude consists of three components, namely: affective, cognitive, and conative. The affective component is the feeling that a person has or his evaluation of an object. The cognitive component is a person's beliefs or beliefs about objects. The conative component is the tendency to behave or act in certain ways regarding the presence of the attitude object.
3. Written Assessment
Written assessment is carried out by written test. Written test is a test in which questions and answers are given to students in written form. In answering questions students do not always respond in the form of writing answers but can also in other forms such as marking, coloring, drawing and so forth.