The Nature of Rocks Against Ground Water

The Nature of Rocks Against Ground Water
According to Krusseman (Bakri, 2003) in terms of the nature and behavior of rocks to ground water, especially physical properties, structure and texture, the rocks can be divided into 4 (four) types: 1. Aquifer is a layer of rock that has an arrangement such that it can store and drain significant groundwater such as sandstone, and limestone 2. Aquatic mud is a layer of rock that can store water but cannot drain ground water in significant quantities such as clay, shale, fine tuff 3. Iitarum is a layer of rock that can store water but can only drain ground water in very limited quantities such as basal scoria, shale, marl, and claystone
4. Aquiflug is a layer of rock that cannot store and drain groundwater such as igneous rock and metamorphic rocks and even if there is water in the rock layer, it is only found in solid or fractured rock. When viewed from the nature and stratigraphy of rocks in nature, the aquifer layer can be distinguished, including (Bedrock types on the composition of ground water): 1. Unconfined aquifer (free aquifer) is an aquifer where the ground water level is the upper boundary plane of the water saturated zone.
Ground water contained in the aquifer layer is called unconfined ground water where the ground water level is called the pheartic ground water level 2. Confined aquifer is a aquifer where the ground water is located under a waterproof layer and has a pressure greater than atmospheric pressure. This groundwater is limited by the waterproof layer on the top and bottom. The artesian ground water surface is due to drilling, so the ground water level will move upwards to near the surface of the ground or radiate to certain conditions.
3. Leakage aquifer (semi-confined aquifer) is an aquifer layer where the ground water is located in a semi-impermeable layer and the position of the rock is located between free aquifer and depressed aquifer 4. Ferced aquifer (aquifer hang) is an aquifer where the ground water mass is separated from the mother ground water by a relatively impermeable layer of water that is not very wide and is located in the unsaturated zone.
Aquifers are underground layers of porous or sand rock between non-porous layers of rock (sandstone, gravel, or cracked limestone or granite). Many people tend to think of aquifers as "underground lakes" which do not occur because water is held between rock particles. Water infiltrates into the soil through pores, fissures, and other places until it reaches the saturation zone where all space is filled with water (not air). The saturation zone occurs because infiltration of ground water reaches the impermeable layer of rock so that it is unable to penetrate further into the earth (an impermeable layer known as "aquitard" or "akiklud").
The water held in this aquifer is known as ground water. The top of the saturation zone is known as the water table. Tables usually follow the topographical form of the above soil. The depth of the water level is usually greater in areas with low rainfall than in areas with high rainfall. The water table can increase in a few wet years and fall in the dry season. Two main forces drive the movement of ground water. First the water moves from a higher altitude to a lower elevation due to the influence of gravity. Second, water moves from the high pressure area to the low pressure area. Together the two forces form the driving force behind moving groundwater known as a hydraulic head.
Water has the potential to move through four types of rocks: unconsolidated rocks, porous sedimentary rocks, porous volcanic rocks, and cracked rocks. In unconsolidated materials, particles are not attached to each other in a coherent manner (for example, sand will be consolidated but sandstone will be consolidated). Water can move through the space between particles. Common gravel and aquifer sand. Because there is more space between particles when particles are larger, water moves faster through layers of large particles (for example, gravel) than it does through layers of small particles (for example, clay).
Carbonate stones, such as limestone, are fragile so they tend to be broken (fault) and this fracture allows some water movement. More importantly, because water will dissolve carbonate rocks after water is able to enter the fault, the opening in the stone becomes larger allowing more water to move. Limestone which has large openings dissolved in it is known as karst. Volcanic rocks such as basalt are produced as a result of volcanic activity. If the rock cools quickly, fractures can be produced on the rocks allowing significant water movement. Metamorphic and crystalline rocks such as granite, quartzite and slate are basically water-resistant. However, faults (faults) that occur in rocks can allow water movement. The amount of movement through the cracked rock depends on the frequency and linkages of the fracture.

Decisions and the Importance of Budgeting

Decisions and the Importance of Budgeting
Capital shows the fixed assets used for production. A budget is a detailed plan that projects cash inflows and outflows over several periods in the future. Capital budget is an outline of a fixed asset expenditure plan. Capital budgeting is a comprehensive process of analyzing projects and determining which are included in the capital budget implementation and economic growth. The Importance of Budgeting Decision of capital deployment will affect for a long time so that the company loses its flexibility. Effective capital budgeting will increase the timeliness and quality of adding assets. Capital expenditure is very important Stages of Capital Budgeting Project costs must be determined.
Management must estimate the expected cash flow from the project, including the final value of assets. The risk of project cash flow must be estimated. (using the cash flow probability distribution). By knowing the risks of the project, management must determine the appropriate cost of capital to discount the project's cash flow. By using the time value of money, the expected cash inflows are used to estimate the value of assets.
Finally, the present value of the expected cash flow is compared to the cost. In investment decision making, opportunity cost plays an important role. Opportunity cost is income or cost savings that are sacrificed as a result of choosing certain alternatives. For example in replacing old machines with new machines, the selling price of old machines must be taken into account in considering investments in new machines. In the usual accounting principle, the cost of capital interest alone should not be counted as a cost.
In making investment decisions, the cost of capital itself must be calculated. Cost analysis in investment decisions is more focused on cash flow, because when receiving cash in investment has the time value of money. One dollar received now is more valuable than one dollar received in the future. Therefore, although for the calculation of company profits, costs are calculated based on the accrual principle, but in the calculation of investment selection that takes into account the time value of money, the costs calculated are cash costs.
Capital Budgeting is a process of evaluating and selecting long-term investments that are consistent with maximizing company goals. Definition of Capital Budgeting "Capital Budgeting is the Process of evaluating and selecting long-term investment consistencies with the firm's goal of owner wealth maximization". Investment also means current expenditures and the expected return on those expenditures will only be received more than one year later. The definition of Capital Budgeting is as follows: "Capital Budgeting involves the entire process of planning whose returns are expected to extend beyond one year".
As a consequence, companies need certain procedures to analyze and select several investment alternatives that exist. The decision regarding investment is difficult because it requires an assessment of the situation in the future, so assumptions that are based on estimates of the situation that most closely might be possible, both internal and external situations of the company are needed. The investment must be calculated in accordance with the company's cash flow and must be the most appropriate decision to avoid the risk of loss on the investment. "As time passes, fixed assets may become oblique or may require an overhaul; at these points, too, financial decisions may be required ". Companies usually make various alternatives or variations to invest in the long term, namely in the form of additional fixed assets such as land, machinery and equipment.
These assets are potential assets, which are potential sources of income and reflect the value of a company. Capital budgeting and financial decisions are treated separately. If the proposed investment has been determined to be accepted, the financial manager then chooses the best financing method. -. A budget is a detailed plan that projects cash inflows and outflows over several periods in the future. -. Capital budget is an outline of a fixed asset expenditure plan -. Capital budgeting is a comprehensive process of analyzing projects and determining which are included in the capital budget. -. The process of collecting, evaluating, selecting, and determining investment alternatives that will provide income for the company for a period of more than 1 year. The Importance of Budgeting Decision of capital deployment will affect for a long time so that the company loses its flexibility. Effective capital budgeting will increase the timeliness and quality of adding assets. Capital expenditure is very important

Sort data in the Numeric table

Sort data in the Numeric table
Sort data in a table You can sort some or all of the data in columns — alphabetically or by adding or subtracting values. When you sort a column, the table rows are rearranged in order. Text in column headers and footers is not sorted, but values in hidden rows and hidden columns are sorted. Make sort rules You can sort the table by creating sort rules. Perform the following actions: Sort the entire table: Click the table, then in the Sort panel in the Sort & Filter inspector, select Sort Entire Table from the pop-up menu. Sort multiple rows in a column: Select rows, then in the Sort panel in the Sort & Filter inspector, select Sort Selected Rows from the pop-up menu. Click Add Column. Select the column to sort, then select Up or Down from the rule pop-up menu. To add another rule, click Add Column. The ordering rule is applied so that the rules appear in the inspector.
To reorder rules, move the pointer over the rules, drag the Reorder rules button, then click Sort Now. Note: You cannot sort rows with merged cells. Remove sort rules If you don't need rules, you can delete them. Click table. In the Sort panel in the Sort & Filter inspector, move the pointer to the rule, then click the Trash button. Sort values up or down quickly Perform the following actions: Sort the entire table: Click the table, then move the pointer to the lettered bar at the top of the column, then click the arrow that appears. Sort cell coverage: Select cells.
The choice must include cells from more than one row and can cover more than one column. Control-click any column in the table that you ordered. Choose sequence options (A Tenth Order Second Derivative Numerical Integrator): Sort Up or Sort Rows Up by [column]: Sort rows in alphabetical order (A to Z) or by adding numerical values based on data in the selected column. Sort Down or Sort Rows Down by [column]: Sort rows in reverse alphabetical order (Z to A) or by reducing numerical values based on data in the selected columns.
In columns containing text and numbers, sort the ascending order by the numbers before the text (for example, 1a, 1b, 2a, a1, b1). The ascending order also places the Boolean cells (true / false) after the cells are sorted alphabetically or numerically, and places empty cells at the bottom of the column. Operators are symbols that carry out special operations involving one, two or three operands. Operators supported by the Java programming language can be divided into several groups, namely assignment operators, arithmetic operators, unary operators, equality and relational operators, conditional operators, conditional operators and comparison operators (comparison operators). Java has rules for determining the order in which operators in an expression are evaluated when an expression has several operators. This rule is called the operator precedence.
The precedence operator is the evaluation sequence where the operators that are in an expression will be evaluated based on the specified priority rules. Operators with higher priority will be evaluated first compared to operators who have lower priority. If several operators in the expression have the same priority, then the operator will be evaluated based on the association of the operator (operator association). You need to translate arithmetic expressions into Java numeric expressions using numeric operators.
The Java programming language cannot execute numerical arithmetic expressions because of symbols that are not the same or are not recognized. For example, a rectangular area formula can be written in the form of arithmetic expressions with p.l or px l notation, where p and l are veriable numeric types. For numeric expressions to be understood by Java, you must first convert them into Java expressions to p l. An asterisk character in the Java programming language is used to represent multiplication operators, while in arithmetic using the character x or dot (.) Or directly written pl. The following are examples of arithmetic expressions that must be changed first into Java expressions before being used in the program:

Definition of Class Based Assessment

Definition of Class Based Assessment
Class Based Assessment is an assessment conducted by teachers in the framework of the learning process. PBK is a process of collecting and using information on student learning outcomes conducted by teachers to determine the level of achievement and mastery of students towards educational goals (competency standards, basic competencies, and indicators of achievement of learning outcomes). Class Based Assessment is a principle, an accurate and consistent target of students' competencies or learning outcomes as well as clear statements about student development and progress. the intention is the results of Class Based Assessment can describe the competencies, skills and progress of students during class.
Class Based Assessment and Correlate of School-Based Assessment and Performance is one component in the competency based curriculum. PBK itself is basically an integrated assessment activity in teaching and learning activities carried out by collecting student work (portfolio), work (products), assignments (projects), performance (performance), written tests (paper and pen) etc. . The focus of the assessment is directed at mastering competencies and student learning outcomes according to the level of student achievement. B. Benefits of Class-Based Excellence and Principles
1. Classroom-Based Assessment Results Are Useful For - Feedback for students in knowing their abilities and shortcomings so as to cause motivation to improve learning outcomes. - Monitor progress and diagnose students 'learning abilities to enable enrichment and remediation to meet students' needs according to their progress and abilities - Provide input to teachers to improve their learning programs in class. - Enables students to achieve predetermined competencies even with different learning speeds.
2. Excellence Class-Based Assessment is - Collection of learning progress information both formal and informal is held in an integrated manner, in a pleasant atmosphere, and always allows the best opportunities for students to show what students know, understand and be able to do. - Achievement of student learning outcomes is not compared to group achievement, but compared to previous abilities competency achievement criteria, achievement standards, and national level of achievement, in order to help children achieve what they want to achieve not to judge it.
Collection of information using various methods, so that the progress of student learning can be detected completely. - Students need to be demanded so they can explore and motivate themselves to mobilize all the potential in responding, overcoming all problems encountered in their own way, not just training students to choose the answers available. - To determine whether there is progress in learning and whether or not assistance is needed in a planned, gradual and continuous manner, based on facts and sufficiently accurate evidence.
3. Principles of Class-Based Assessment - Valid, assessments provide accurate information about student learning outcomes. - Educate, assessment must make a positive contribution to student learning achievement. - Competency-oriented, assessment must assess the achievement of competencies referred to in the curriculum. - Fair, the assessment must be fair to all students by not distinguishing socio-economic, cultural, linguistic and gender backgrounds. - Open, assessment criteria and basis for decision making must be clear and open to all parties.
Continuous, assessment is carried out in a planned, gradual and continuous manner to obtain a picture of student learning development as a result of learning activities. (Ministry of National Education, 2002).
C. The forms of instruments in class-based assessment according to Suharto (2009) and Radno Harsanto (2007), namely: 1. Performance Evaluation Performance evaluation is an assessment conducted by observing the activities of students in doing something. This assessment is suitable to be used to assess the achievement of competencies that require students to perform certain tasks such as: practice in the laboratory, prayer practice, OR practice, presentation, discussion, role playing, playing an instrument, singing, reading poetry / reclamation etc.
This method of assessment is considered more authentic than written tests because what is assessed better reflects the true abilities of the students. 2. Attitude Assessment Attitudes originate from feelings (like or dislike) associated with one's tendency to respond to something / object. Attitude is also an expression of values or outlook on life possessed by someone. Attitudes can be formed, so that the desired behavior or action occurs.
Attitude consists of three components, namely: affective, cognitive, and conative. The affective component is the feeling that a person has or his evaluation of an object. The cognitive component is a person's beliefs or beliefs about objects. The conative component is the tendency to behave or act in certain ways regarding the presence of the attitude object. 3. Written Assessment Written assessment is carried out by written test. Written test is a test in which questions and answers are given to students in written form. In answering questions students do not always respond in the form of writing answers but can also in other forms such as marking, coloring, drawing and so forth.

Ministers emphasize material prosperity at the expense of integrity

Ministers emphasize material prosperity at the expense of integrity
The shameful deception of materialistic preachers with their openly-displayed richness and apparent indifference of a government that is still insensitive to the wants and yearnings of her individuals distorts the worth of African nation sectors. visible of this, Brick asserts that “Pentecostalism may be a modern industrial enterprise appareled within the cloak of a faith with deception and exploitation as its foundation; its goal being the entire monetisation of the cognitive content of its multitude of adherents.”
Some individuals in African nation currently decision Protestantism “the theology of the cash.” But, this paper posits that the matter of maximum materialism in African nation pastorate nowadays isn't restricted to the Pentecostal denominations; however Christianity at massive. Thus, this paper may be a system try that situates the matter of maximum materialism among the biblical view of first Corinthians 9:13. Many Nigerians, rich, poor, previous and young get pastors for religious protection and fortification from identified and fanciful enemies. this is often a typical African syndrome. Those who work on the altar must eat from the altar, Ministers of God in African nation, cash in of these World Health Organization get miracles and healings in God within the recent time. Exploitation and extortion within the sense worshippers area unit being cajoled through; shopping for of unguent, holy water, holy piece of material, and so on. the actual fact remains that materialism constitutes vices like felony, corruption, kidnapping, heist, terrorism, etc. perpetrated within the Nigerian society nowadays.
Ministers emphasize material prosperity at the expense of integrity and fidelity. However, several have accumulated this downside to Nigerian Pentecostal churches; due to its unapologetic stress on the acquisition of wealth (as a part of a religious salvation), and therefore the damages that prosperity preaching has caused to the social, religious, economic and political landscapes in African nation. This paper provides clarifications on the subsequent concepts: Temple: this is often an area dedicated to the service or worship of God.
it's remarked as an area during which the divine presence specially resides, and during this context, the worship of The God of Israel (Yahweh). Materialism: is theory or perspective that physical well-being and sensibles represent the best good and highest price in life. Materialism is additionally outlined because the concern for possessions or material wealth and physical comfort, particularly to the exclusion of religious or intellectual pursuits. In sensible terms it's one World Health Organization puts his physical possessions before God.
Materialism is Associate in Nursing perspective that temporal things area unit additional necessary than the eternal. Some scriptural reference that identifies materialism are; Altar: The Hebrew word for altar is ‘mizbeah’, intending to slaughter. In alternative words, Associate in Nursing altar is any structure upon that offerings, like sacrifices area unit created for spiritual functions. it absolutely was sometimes a raised platform with a flat surface.
There area unit over four hundred (400) references to altar within the Bible. though the thought was gift as early as once adult male and Abel brought their sacrifices (Gen 4:3-4), the word altar is 1st utilized in info 8:20 once patriarch designed Associate in Nursing altar to the Lord once feat the ark. Swedenborg opines that ‘altars signify a representative of the Lord, and burnt-offerings the worship of Him thereby, is plainly evident within the Prophets.’ parliamentarian explains Associate in Nursing altar as a chosen place for consecration (Gen 12:7, 26:24).

What is diabetes mellitus?

What is diabetes mellitus?
Diabetes mellitus is a chronic autoimmune disease caused by disorders of blood sugar regulation. That's why diabetes is also often referred to as diabetes or diabetes. Blood sugar disorders can be caused by various things which include: Lack of insulin production by the pancreas Lack of body response to insulin The influence of other hormones that inhibit the performance of insulin If this disease is not treated with proper treatment, it can cause various dangerous complications, and can even threaten the lives of sufferers. Types of diabetes mellitus Based on what causes it, diabetes is divided into several types, namely: Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disorder that causes the immune system to attack and damage cells that produce the hormone insulin, so the pancreas cannot produce the hormone.
This will cause the body to lack insulin and increase blood glucose levels and effect of cycle ergometer on lipid profiles. This condition generally attacks patients under the age of 40 years, especially in adolescence. Usually the symptoms of this disease are detected more quickly at a younger age, especially in childhood or adolescence. The cause of this condition is unclear. Experts suspect that the cause of type 2 diabetes may occur due to a combination of genetic and environmental factors. However, you might have a higher risk of developing this condition if: your parents or siblings who have this condition in a state of exposure to viral diseases emergence of autoantibodies vitamin D deficiency, consuming cow's milk or formula milk, and cereal before the age of 4 months.
Although it does not directly cause this condition, it is still risky. Type 2 diabetes Type 2 diabetes is the most common type of diabetes. The incidence rate reaches 90-95 percent of all cases of diabetes in the world. This condition is called adult-onset diabetes because it is more common in adults. Unlike type 1 diabetes, type 2 sufferers continue to produce insulin but not enough. The exact cause of why type 2 appears is uncertain, but experts believe that a combination of genetic and environmental factors play a role in triggering the occurrence of this sugar disease. Being overweight is a major trigger for diabetes, but not all type 2 diabetes mellitus patients are overweight. Gestational diabetes Gestational diabetes is a diabetes that only occurs in pregnant women. This disease can cause problems for both mother and baby if left untreated. If treated quickly properly, this condition usually resolves completely after giving birth.
Diabetes insipidus Diabetes insipidus is a different condition caused by the inability of the kidneys to store water. This disease is usually caused by genetic syndromes, surgery, side effects of drugs, malnutrition, infection, and other diseases. This condition is rare and can be treated. Signs & Symptoms What are the signs and symptoms of diabetes mellitus? Diabetes often does not show any symptoms at first. In fact, many people who have never been aware of being sick with diabetes for a long time because they have never experienced significant symptoms.
However, here are some typical signs and symptoms of diabetes mellitus that you need to know: Often feel thirsty Frequent urination, sometimes it happens every hour and is called polyuria Weak, lethargic, and not powered Frequent infections, such as skin, vaginal, thrush or urinary tract infections Less common symptoms: Nausea or vomiting In women, vaginal infections often occur Fungal infections or canker sores Dry mouth Wounds are difficult to heal Itching on the skin, especially in the groin or vaginal area Other symptoms of diabetes that you should be aware of: 1. Leg pain and numbness Very high blood sugar levels will cause damage to the nerves of the body. Not all people experience this symptom.
However, people who have diabetes, will feel numbness, tingling, and pain in the body, especially in the legs. Symptoms like this usually occur in someone who has had diabetes for 5 years or more. 2. Blurry vision Blurred vision of diabetes (a term for diabetics) usually results from a disruption of the lens (cataracts) or an eye nerve disorder (diabetic retinopathy). The condition of high blood sugar can trigger a buildup of protein in the lens of the eye so that the cataract process. Uncontrolled blood sugar can also cause small blood vessels in the eye to be disrupted and even broken so that the eye nerves (retina) cannot work properly.
3.Skin problems High insulin levels encourage pigments that cause black spots on the skin. If there are changes that are felt on the skin, it could be an early sign that you have diabetes or diabetes. Changes can be marked by skin that becomes dark, scaly, until early wrinkles appear. 4. Susceptible to infection or disease A person with early symptoms of diabetes tends to be more susceptible to bacterial and fungal infections because they have a decreased immune system. These microorganisms need glucose as a source of energy. Infection can grow in folds of warm and moist skin, such as between fingers and toes, under the breast, or in or around the genitals.

Analysis of healthful herbs with smart therapeutic and economic prospects

Carbon chemical compound, that may be a tetramethylmethane
Various environmental toxicants and clinically helpful medication will cause severe organ toxicities through the metabolic activation to extremely reactive free radicals together with the superoxide and reactive O species (ROS) [1]. apart from reactive O species, some compounds might even be metabolized to reactive atomic number 7 species (RNS). one among the foremost extensively studied of the environmental toxicants is resolvent (CCl4).
Carbon chemical compound, that may be a tetramethylmethane, had all the atomic number 1 atoms in methane series substituted by halogen, a member of the group series. it's so a alkyl halide. as a result of it's no C-H bond ,Carbon tetrachloride doesn't simply endure atom reaction. Evaluation of citrus paradisi antioxidant potential, this compound is understood to endure subtractive metabolism by hemoprotein 2E1 (CYP2E1) into a extremely reactive trichloromethyl radical (.CCl3) and gas that initiates supermolecule peroxidation, disrupts membrane integrity and causes necrobiosis [5]
There ar items of evidences that varied catalyst and non-enzymatic systems are developed by the cell to ameliorate the impact of the aerophilous stress that's related to high level of reactive O species that will result from the imbalance between the oxidiser and inhibitor standing of any organism [16]. it's additionally public knowledge that the aetiopathogenesis of varied organ injuries arising from chronic diseases ar traceable to reactive oxygen/reactive atomic number 7 species.
Chronic diseases like cancer, Alzheimer’s malady, etc. have their precipitating agents in most cases unmoving in excessive production of reactive species like reactive O species and reactive atomic number 7 species [14]. Citrus paradisi, popularly referred to as grape fruit, is wide cultivated in most countries of the globe. Its tree grows up to 3-5 meters high and its fruit is huge, globular, nippled at its apex and bright yellow or lemon colored [3].
Its juice is gently acidic and includes a slight bitter style. In humans, grape fruit seed extract has been according to possess medicinal drug, antifungal, wound healing and inhibitor properties [11]. Clinical studies have additionally documented the effectiveness of grapefruit seeds within the treatment of genito-urinary tract infections caused by unhealthful organisms like genus Pseudomonas aeruginosa, enteric bacteria spp, staph aureus and escherichia [2].
In Nigerian folkloric medication, ethanolic boiling ready from this seed is used within the treatment of throat/chest and reproductive organ infections, diarrhoeal diseases, abdomen lesion, poisonings, diabetes, obesity, blood deficiency and as an immuno-stimulant [3]. Herbal treatment is a necessary part of ancient medication that's practiced worldwide as a result of it's believed to be low cost, simply accessible and therefore the confidence reposed in it because of ancestral expertise [13]. In spite of the successes recorded within the past years, there's still a surge within the use of flavorer remedies within the treatment of human and animal diseases because of perceived untoward effects of artificial medication.
Also, the increasing rise within the incidence of chronic diseases like cancers, medicine diseases of varied forms, diabetes, etc., and therefore the realization of the very fact that aerophilous stress are concerned within the aetiology of those diseases, apart from the very fact that there's a revived conjunctive efforts to channel energy of researchers to drug discovery, medicine and toxicologic analysis of healthful herbs with smart therapeutic and economic prospects, it's additionally imperative to use out there native resources to unravel imperative public health considerations like the growing wave of chronic diseases several of that ar arising as a results of growing range of toxicants in the environment.